I have been editing essays and statements for applications to college and graduate school, and for prestigious scholarships since 2012, and I love this work! I graduated from Princeton, I completed my MSW at the Smith College School for Social Work, and I went on to train as a psychoanalyst. I use my training to draw out candidates’ most unique strengths and help them express these qualities in their own voice so that admissions officers can truly appreciate both who the candidates are as individuals and what they will offer to their chosen academic communities.
I am from the US, but I have spent most of my adult life in Athens, Buenos Aires, and Madrid. The candidates I work with are from different parts of the world, and I have become especially adept at “translating” an international applicant’s experience for US and UK institutions and for English-taught programs in other countries. Certainly the caliber of the programs for which my candidates are aiming has ensured the rigorous quality I demand of the feedback I give. Please read what others have said!!